Assigning report datasets at runtime

edited 4:29PM in FastReport 4.0
Is it possible to assign TDataset for a report at runtime?

My issue:

I have designed a report using some mem-datasets connected to frxDBDatasets, both design time components.
The report is saved to a file.

In another application I will load this report, but without the design time datasets and frxDBDatasets.
These I would create at runtime an assign to the report.

frxDBDataset := TfrxDBDataset.Create(TheReport);
frxDBDataset.Name := 'fxdbEmployee'; // Same name as at design-time
frxDBDataset.UserName := 'Employee'; // Same name as at design-time
frxDBDataset.DataSet := TheDataset; // EmployeeDS, same name as at design-time

TheReport.DataSets[0].DataSetName; // = "Employee";


When I do this I get a message box saying "Dataset "Employee" does not exist".

Do anyone who knows have to do this?



  • edited 4:29PM

    I do similar like you've done but I not create frxDataset at runtime,
    I use Memory table too...may be you just need to load dataset properly !

    this my delphi code [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> var md,kode,wtime,anything: TfrxComponent; //include fastreport unit files first on your uses begin if fileexists(appPath + '\frpt\Log.fr3') then frxReport1.LoadFromFile(appPath + '\frpt\Log.fr3') else begin Messagedialog('Report not found..!', mterror, [mbOk], 0); exit; end; //[/img]
    this is to add dataset from frxDataset
    at design time or may at runtime I don't know.. try your self


    //----databand Masterdata1

    md := frxReport1.FindObject('Masterdata1'); //point to Masterdata1 at Page1 of report file
    (md as Tfrxmasterdata).DataSet := frxDBdataset1;
    (md as Tfrxmasterdata).DataSetName := 'Masterdata1';

    //--- fields of masterData1

    wtime := frxReport1.FindObject('frxDbdataset1Name'); //this unique name "frxDbdataset1Name" I use for tfrxMemo at Page of report file
    (wtime as TfrxMemoview).DataSet := frxDBdataset1;
    (wtime as TfrxMemoview).DataSetName := 'waktu';
    (wtime as TfrxMemoview).DataField := 'waktu';

    kode := frxReport1.FindObject('frxDbdataset1Name1'); //this unique name "frxDbdataset1Name1" I use for tfrxMemo at Page of report file
    //I read this technique in this forum too but I don't remember where is
    (kode as TfrxMemoview).DataSet := frxDBdataset1;
    (kode as TfrxMemoview).DataSetName := 'kode';
    (kode as TfrxMemoview).DataField := 'kode';

    anything := frxReport1.FindObject('frxDbdataset1Name2'); //this unique name "frxDbdataset1Name2" I use for tfrxMemo at Page of report file
    (anything as TfrxMemoview).DataSet := frxDBdataset1;
    (anything as TfrxMemoview).DataSetName := 'any';
    (anything as TfrxMemoview).DataField := 'any';

    //---preview the report---


    //---just type this...

    frxDbdataset1.DataSet := nil;


    regards, >

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